Official GREEN BUSINESS of San Francisco since August, 2023!!
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Salva-tion in a stick. Don't be caught with ashy skin! Moisturizer and heal your skin. Just swipe and go. Choose your favorite scent.
This is a zero waste product. The kraft push-up is biodegradable.
* Vegan and palm oil free
* No beeswax
* Plant based
* Solid stick form; in a kraft push up container (zero waste)
* No chemicals
* Natural alternative to water based lotions
* Easy to travel with
Instructions: Glide stick over your body especially your arms and legs. Push gently from the bottom to push product up.
Warning: Always do a patch test. If pregnant, consult your doctor if you get an allergic reaction. Does contain products made from nuts and Vitamin E.
Ingredients: Calendula and arnica infused grapeseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, cocoa and shea butters, candelilla wax, rosehip oil, vitamin E, jojoba, papaya oil, and essential oil/fragrance.
#soapartsf #organiclotion #pthalatefree #sheabutterproducts #dontbeashy #lotion